555 Difficult Bible Questions Answered

356. Can a Christian Keep the Moral Law?

To unfallen man, obedience to the moral law would undoubtedly have been within human reach, but to fallen man it stands as an unattainable ideal, to which he may strive, but in vain. There is none without sin (I John 1:8), and as a perfect obedience to God's law implies entire sinlessness, it is obviously impossible that such obedience can be rendered by mortal man. But to those who are in Christ this difficulty is overcome. (Rom. 4:7.) They are not under the law and consequently are not to be judged by the law. (Rom. 6:15; I John 3:9.) Christ, by his perfect obedience, and his sufferings for their sins, has satisfied the law in their behalf. (II Cor. 5:2i.) Thus, when grace enters the heart, its sinfulness is removed. The righteousness and perfect obedience of Christ being imputed to his people, they are accepted of God. (Rom. 3:24; II Cor. 12:9.) Christians, therefore, should not serve in the bondage of fear, as under the law (I Tim. 1:9), but in love, as under grace in Christ Jesus. (Rom. 8:1-15.)